Osteopaths treats a large range of physical ailments using soft tissue work, stretching and manipulation of the joints and muscle. Osteopaths use a whole body approach to treating pain and maintaining a persons physical health. An Osteopath is able to bridge the gap between the soft tissue treatment of a massage and manipulation techniques of a chiropractor making it a better fit for many in need of treatment.
Myotherapy and Remedial Massage offer the complete care for a large range of musculoskeletal conditions. They can also compliment other health professionals to aid in your recovery or maintain your body in peak condition. Both Myotherapy and Remedial Massage involve a large range of techniques including deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy & cupping. Myotherapists require additional training to an Advanced Diploma level and use dry needling techniques in their treatments.
Myotherapy, Osteopathy & Remedial Massage are offered at Albury Connected Therapies. With the connection between these therapy styles, AlburyCT is going to be able to ensure that we can assist you to find the correct combination of treatment and support to keep you moving. Whether you have a specific injury, general soreness or just need regular maintenance to stay injury free then the team at AlburyCT will have you covered. No matter if your main therapist is one of our Myotherapists, Osteopaths or Remedial Massage Therapists you can be assured that you will have the combined expertise of all our therapists for your ongoing treatment needs.
Albury Connected Therapies
467 Smollett Street
Mobile: 0432 372 285
Phone: (02) 6041 5528
The staff at Albury Connected Therapies work together to bring all their clients the best of Myotherapy and Osteopathy. This gives them the opportunity to give their clients the shared knowledge of all the therapists and ensures that you receive the treatment and advice that you need to get you back to full fitness or to gain an improved standard of living.
Treatments from our Myotherapists, Osteopath & Remedial Massage Therapists are claimable through Private Health Insurance and with many funds you are able to claim on the spot meaning you as the client will only need to pay the gap fee. Call the clinic if you would like to know more of contact your private health insurance provider to find out if this applies to your cover.